Monday 22 December 2008

Place for games and interaction on Lloyds Corner

One of the ideas for the space that has been popular with people we have spoken to so far has been a placce for games or interaction. The images above are (from top to bottom)

1. Andy Wahol, 'The Lindy Tuckk and Turn Man'
2. Hop scotch that lights up as you jump on it

3. Boule on Bastille Day in NYC

4. Scissors, paper, stone- grafitti showing point for games play

5. No Mind Ganmes sign, Shoreditch

6. Chess board (pieces could be stored in Lloyds Chemsists or other local shop)

7. Pop up lampposts that become a cinema screen

In order to try some of these games out we could do with some chalk, some ideas of how to make chess pices, boule balls or some images that we could pin uup on the wall to chow it is a place for games... Does anyone have any other ideas for games that could be played here?

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