Monday 27 October 2008

Sharrow Community Forum: Mission, values, objectives and activities

Below is the Sharrow Forums' Mission Statement, and although the Distinctive Sharrow Action Group will have a different one, some members of the group thought that it might be useful to see what the forum had developed.

To be an active champion for the communities of Sharrow in the social, physical and economic regeneration of the area

Our VALUES are:
Equality of access
Partnership working
Cultural diversity recognised and celebrated
Equality and justice

1. To represent the needs of the people of Sharrow
a) Monitoring social and community change
b) Determining and articulating community needs
c) Lobbying policy makers as relevant
d) Providing leadership as appropriate
e) Lobbying on behalf of community need at e.g. planning, council, housing association meetings, South Sheffield Partnership meetings, Blades Partner ship
f) Contributing to the Area Panel and other strategic bodies

2. To facilitate and encourage community cohesion
a) Working to establish trust between different groups and communities
b) Co-ordinating umbrella groups, joint working and partnerships
c) Facilitating formal and informal networking
d) Connecting community, local organisations businesses and statutory bodies, facilitating discussion and brokering the differing interests

3. To encourage participative strategic planning in Sharrow
By …….
a) Promoting mutual trust and accountability across organisations
b) Developing a business plan for Sharrow Community Forum that supports the co-ordination of relevant area wide strategies
c) Influencing strategic planning in Sharrow across all themes (e.g. health, education, housing)
d) Encouraging strategic multi-organisation funding bids

4. To develop community capacity in Sharrow to engage in strategic issues
a) Encouraging and facilitating the proactive exchange of information
b) Signposting organisations and individuals to appropriate sources of information and support
c) Provision of a Job Net service
d) Co-ordinating capacity building training and resources
e) Providing resources that enable community engagement

5. To be proactive in promoting effective and active communication
a) Being proactive in the dissemination of information in the area
b) Promoting information about local cultural and faith community festivals
c) Promoting listening, discussion and communication
d) Providing a sounding board for individuals and organisations
e) Producing a newsletter for Sharrow

6. To become a sustainable organisation
a) Researching and consulting on potential methods of income generation
b) Promoting and developing sources of income
c) Developing good employment practices
d) Assessing the environmental impact of working practice

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